Keep fruit fresh for longer

How you can eat fresh fruit every day using vacuum food containers

Reduce food waste of fruit at home with vacuum packaging

What is food waste and how does it affect us?

Food waste is a major problem in our households today. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, around 1.3 million tons of food are thrown away in Sweden every year, and a significant part of this is fruit and vegetables. By using vacuum packaging, we can extend the shelf life of fruit and significantly reduce food waste.

Statistics on food waste of fruit in households

According to a report from the Swedish National Food Agency, Swedish households throw away up to 23% of the fruit and vegetables they buy. This means that a large part of the vitamins and nutrients that the fruit contains is wasted.

Advantages of vacuum food containers for fruit

Vacuum food containers can extend the shelf life of fruit by eliminating oxygen, which slows down the decomposition process. Here are some examples of how long different fruits can stay fresh with vacuum packaging compared to without:

  • Apples: Up to 2 weeks longer
  • Bananas: Up to 1 week longer
  • Berries: Up to 1 week longer
  • Citrus fruits: up to 3 weeks longer

Vardagliga exempel på hur vakuum matlådor håller frukten fräsch & minskar matsvinnet

  1. Morgonrutiner: Genom att förbereda vakuumförpackade fruktportioner för veckan kan du enkelt ta med dig färsk frukt till frukost eller mellanmål varje dag både till dig och barnen. Detta minskar risken att frukten blir bortglömd och övermogen i fruktskålen.
  2. Skolluncher: Packa lunchlådor med vakuumförpackade fruktbitar. Detta säkerställer att frukten håller sig fräsch och aptitlig tills det är dags att äta.
  3. Workdays: Prepare vacuum-packed fruit portions to take to work. This way, you'll always have a healthy and fresh option at hand, reducing the temptation to buy less healthy snacks.
  4. Weekend outings: When planning an outing or picnic, pack vacuum-packed fruit. It will stay fresh longer and you won't have to throw away overripe fruit when you get home.

Tips for using vacuum food containers effectively

  • Wash and dry the fruit thoroughly before packing to prevent moisture from causing mold.
  • Cut the fruit into easy-to-eat pieces, making it more likely that you will eat them.
  • Label the boxes with the date so you know when they were packed and can use them in the right order.

By using vacuum food containers you can drastically reduce food waste in your household, eat fresh fruit every day and contribute to a more sustainable future. Vacuum packaging is a simple and effective way to extend the shelf life of fruit, not only saving money but also making healthy living easier.

Utforska våra matlådor
image of vegetables & fruits last longer in vacuum food containers